New webpage

[May 20, 2019]


My name is Hellricer.

This blog will serve as a place to talk about my experiences with terminals and terminal-based programs, great software I've found, tricks & tips for making your time in terminal more enjoyable, “ricing” and GNU/Linux in general.

Most posts will revolve around programs like vim, tmux, bash and so on.

About this website

This website is based on Jekyll and uses modified version of so-simple-theme, but I'm using Obraz for generating it.

It aims to be modern-looking and responsive, while still being tiny (~1MB) and usable even in terminal-based browsers like w3m, lynx or elinks (pictured below).

 Image:
Editing the webpage with elinks for preview.

Styles are written in LESS and minified with lessc. JavaScript is minified using yui-compressor. I'm using entr to automatically re-minify them when their sources change:

find assets/ ./*.* \
    | entr sh -xc "cat assets/js/plugins/*.js assets/js/_main.js \
        | yui-compressor --type js -o assets/js/scripts.min.js ; \
        lessc assets/less/main.less > assets/css/main.min.css" &

You can find the markdown sources at src branch of this repository.

Thanks for stopping by!